《2021-2022中国设计趋势报告 by YANG DESIGN》开始发售

作为中国前瞻思维的知名工业设计公司,YANG DESIGN每年发布《中国设计趋势报告》。最新的报告中包含了被德国iF设计奖官网推荐的专属四步趋势预测方法论,在对年度整体社会形态、消费趋势的研究,以及与六大顶级流量专家访谈的基础上,提出了符合中国人生活形态、适用于各行业的2021-2022四大设计趋势主题预测,并提出色彩、材质、表面处理CMF的提案。


关于本书的详细购买方式,请由以下方式联系YANG DESIGN设计策略研究所的策略总监黄晓靖。

电话:+86 21-6280-2294

As the forward thinking industrial design consultancy, YANG DESIGN launch China Design Trends Report annually. The latest report contains the exclusive four-step trend prediction methodology recommended by the official website of the iF Design Award. The report is built on researches of the social formation, consumption trends, and design expert interviews. With these  studies, YANG DESIGN have forecastedand four different Chinese lifestyle design trends, and provided corresponding CMF (color, material, and finish) proposals suitable for various industries.

Please scan the QR code to download the preview version of China Design Trend Report. 

For detailed purchase information for China Design Trends Report, please contact at the following e-mail and phone number of YANG DESIGN Strategy Director Ms. Xiaojing Huang.

E-mail: xiaojing@yang-design.com
Phone: +86 21-6280-2294


2020313日,2020全球消费趋势工作坊将由创办于英国的趋势公司TrendWatching和中国前瞻思维的知名设计公司YANG DESIGN在上海“设计上海”展馆内举办,展现2020全球消费趋势的360度全景图。届时三位国际视野的讲者、100位来自各行业的业内人士将共同探讨消费的未来。这是TrendWatching全球唯一一场有中英文双语的趋势工作坊。

On March 13, 2020 at Design Shanghai, the 2020 Prep. & Prosper Global Consumer Trends Workshop will be jointly organized by TrendWatching, a UK-based trending company, and YANG DESIGN, a well-known Chinese design company in Shanghai, to present a 360-degree panorama of 2020 global consumer trends. At this time, three international vision speakers and 100 industry insiders from various industries will jointly discuss the future of consumption. This is the only TrendWatching workshop in the world providing bilingual simultaneous interpretation.


YANG DESIGN携手雷塔智能科技团队,打造的为写而生的数字笔记本——SUPER NOTE超级笔记在数千件参赛作品中脱颖而出,获得2020年德国红点设计奖。

As a result of joint efforts by YANG DESIGN and Leita Intelligent Technology, SUPER NOTE, a digital writing note, has won the 2020 Red Dot Design Award.


YANG DESIGN与杭州鲸算罗伯特科技有限公司合作,通过对人机交互过程的观察和分析,针对用户期望设计了一款具有自动折叠、自动跟随功能的智能婴童推车。

YANG DESIGN cooperated with Hangzhou Jingsuan Robert Technology Co., Ltd., and designed a smart interactive baby stroller with automatic folding and following functions.